Sunday 19 October 2008

Pollution [collage]

This is a preview of the collage I modified with Photoshop. Different from the cartoon but based on the same idea.


On this cartoon, I emphasis the fact that war can be found easier than a job on this planet. So I drew a soldier holding a diploma and a raduated student holding an automatic gun.

Bank in Crisis

This one shows RBS and TSB stealing money from the RBE and Sir Dale who catch them and tell them to leave a a sarcastic way.

Presidential Election

Another cartoon I made showing a referee and Obama on a boxing ring.

Saturday 18 October 2008


Here is a cartoon made about the pollution in the today-world.

Kids of today ( drawing )

Remember the collage about the kids of today ? Well here the cartoon version with a little story.

Presidential Election [ collage ]

This is the 2nd collage I made for the political cartoon project; Barack Obama and George McCain. I wanted to compare the presidential election as a boxing or fighting match.

Monday 13 October 2008

Presidential Election

This cartoon represent the presidential election between Obama and Clinton.


This cartoon contrast the fact that we are actually finding a war easier than finding a job, on this world.


On this cartoon, the emphasis is based on the 9.11. If it would happened like that, maybe the crash wouldn't happened...

Kids of today

This is collage I made today to represent knife crime in England, especially on young people.

RBS and TSB in Crisis

A political cartoon I photoshoped on Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyd TSB.

Main Blog

Monday 6 October 2008

Nissan Skyline R33 GT-R

Contrast between virtual and reality by using Adobe Photoshop CS3. On this image, I used what I have learned about manipulating images through digital software for the past 3 years and came up with what we could call today as a " custom car ". To get inside the subject, the whole car has been customized; starting from the wheels and the body parts by finishing with a candy red colour and the scenario ( including the new background and the black/white contrast ). It takes patience and imagination to create your own piece/design but at the end, the satisfaction may be speechless.
